What is Biofeedback?
According to the manufacturer, the most important aspect of the INDIGO Biofeedback System is not just measuring the body electric, but measuring the changes.
Many aspects of the INDIGO Biofeedback System, make it the most technologically advanced, innovative and effective biofeedback technology on the market today. Two very unique electro-biological methods are the patented Trivector Signature testing and Xrroid process methods of biofeedback measurements, these combined with dramatic increases in transfer rate, sensitivity and range take the INDIGO Biofeedback System to new capabilities.
Improving on previous theories which suggested that resistance alone was sufficient to supply this kind of information, a unique system of mathematical algorithmic equations was developed to calculate these signatures in a more accurate and 3D fashion based on three vectors (or wave forms): voltage, amperage, and resistance. This calculation is said to be possible for every unique substance and energy in existence; it is called the Trivector Signature.
The inventor of these two methods discovered a highly effective way to use voltammetric signatures or resonant frequencies of each unique substance to alleviate stressors in the body.
Using a sophisticated software program, a computer and the interface device, thousands of trivector signatures are recorded into the INDIGO software’s main matrix and can be energetically presented to the client at biological speeds of 1/1000th of a second, using a low- level micro-current; while the computer measures and reports the bio-energetic responses to each of these signatures. The speeds of this interaction are what is patented as the Xrroid process; the 5-minute EPR test can reveal stress reactions to more than 11,000 different items that influence our health
The Body Electric
In short, the body is 100% electrical. A vast amount of physiological processes are beneath our conscious and verbal awareness, making them by definition subtle. For example, we are not directly aware of our muscle tension as it builds, nor are we aware of the enzymes released from our pancreas, or the changes in our brain wave. Every action involves some sort of electrical, chemical, quantic, photonic or other energy transfer. These subtle energy interactions are in fact physiological actions and reactions to electrical stimulus, which can be detected by the INDIGO biofeedback device, allowing the therapist to bring the information to the patient’s awareness and to train for better control or energetic balance.
The continued measuring and feedback of the system allows us to see the patient’s subtle reactions to words, ideas, items, or any stimuli is what makes biofeedback work. The body is a dynamic system that is never static; for example, there can never simply be one blood pressure, as it is changing dramatically every minute. The reactions or reactivity of a patient to a multitude of stimuli is an important tool in the INDIGO Biofeedback System’s ability to help clients retrain their reactions to even the subtle, nonverbal and unconscious parameters of their physiology.
Other factors which contribute to the INDIGO Biofeedback System’s popularity among health professionals internationally are its cybernetic loop, and its ability to auto-focus for maximum training capacity. The cybernetic loop is a two-way communication between the device and the computer; it is constantly “checking in” with the client and measuring their progress. The auto-focus function works in conjunction with our cybernetic loop to allow practitioners to individualize their retraining protocols in order to meet highly detailed and specific needs of each client. This function also allows for what we refer to as “passive biofeedback”; the ability of the INDIGO Biofeedback System to help retrain a client’s physiological reactions at unconscious / autonomic levels.
The device can also, however, perform more active, conscious “classical biofeedback” or “neuro-feedback” type interventions.
Very few medical, hands-on healing, or mental health modalities give the practitioner the ability to see exactly how well their clients are responding to the intervention, moment to moment. The INDIGO Biofeedback System actually calculates a percentage of change, giving a rectification value, upon completion of each stress reduction program. This is a huge benefit to practitioners.
While the program can allow for incredibly in-depth focusing, it is also exceptionally user-friendly. In most instances, when the practitioner opens a particular training panel the most beneficial biofeedback programs for that client are highlighted, based on that client’s reactions to the test of electro-physiological reactions (EPR). Selections can also be made using our auto-focus feature to determine which program in that panel would be most useful.
Upon beginning most training programs, the device first does a baseline assessment specific to that panel and then identifies what particular stress points have been revealed. For example, when working with the Electro-Oscillation Frequency Program the device will first reveal the strongest reactions to specific brainwave activities and patterns, before commencing the re-training process. In the spinal muscular re-education program, the stressors located in the spine are first highlighted in a stress assessment; the practitioner can then commence the re-training. This education process, unique to the INDIGO Biofeedback System, is also an incredible tool for practitioners and clients alike.
A New Vision For Well Being
The manufacturer states, the INDIGO Biofeedback System brings A New Vision For Well Being to the global healthcare marketplace. Many clients who receive INDIGO Biofeedback sessions report that they can “feel” a gentle warmth or tingling sensation during the treatment. This sensation is a result of our 64x increased sensitivity, 12x faster rate of information transfer, 50x greater range of frequency output and 1.5x more amplitude capacity, as well as significant increases in accuracy, range, and coherence of the signals delivered by the INDIGO Biofeedback System.
Its capabilities are far advanced from any of its competitor devices; in fact, practitioners internationally are trading in other, older biofeedback devices to ensure the best possible outcomes for their clients, using the very best that the INDIGO Biofeedback System technology has to offer today.
The principles of modern medicine’s “Hippocratic Oath” (helping professionals should do no harm) are integrated within the INDIGO Biofeedback System operational design. Its built-in alarm will signal the practitioner when a client has reached maximum training capacity during a specific program.
The device itself will shut down if for any reason the client is not integrating the training in a safe, healthy and satisfactory way during that session.
Online Updates
The online update system, which allows practitioners to click on a desktop icon for easy downloading of brand new programs as they become available is just one more reason why INDIGO Biofeedback System is the busy health professionals’ preferred device for stress reduction and pain management, muscle re-education, brainwave relaxation retraining, and more.