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Be Prepared

Writer: Petra NicollPetra Nicoll

Updated: Mar 23, 2020

I am going to be offering “by Donation” Quantum Biofeedback Sessions with my Device “Indigo” in Subspace (long distance) to everyone. 

The Quantum INDIGO Biofeedback device simply detects stressors in the energetic frequencies of the person or animal and supplies a balancing or neutralizing frequency

No need to PANIC - just be PREPARED!

Please get out of FEAR!!! Listen to this and make a decision. There are 8000 people dead so far with Covid19 worldwide and that is 3 months after the out-brake in Wuhan, China.  According to new estimates published today, between 291,000 and 646,000 people worldwide die from seasonal influenza-related respiratory illnesses each year, higher than a previous estimate of 250,000 to 500,000 and based on a robust, multi-national survey. Positive News from my Friend Christina in Mt. Shasta  💪💚✨REAL NEWS from a friend I know personally who works for a medical technology Company. This was all in a letter he received this morning: -China has CLOSED down its last coronavirus hospital. NOT enough new cases to support them. - Doctors in India have been SUCCESSFUL in treating Coronavirus. Combination of drugs used: Lopinavir, Retonovir, Oseltamivir along with Chlorphenamine. They are going to suggest same medicine, GLOBALLY. - Researchers of the Erasmus Medical Center claim to have FOUND an ANTIBODY against coronavirus. - Cleveland Clinic developed a COVID-19 test that gives RESULTS in HOURS, not days. - Good news from South Korea, where the number of new cases is DECLINING. - Italy is hit hard, experts say, only because they have the oldest population in Europe. - Scientists in Israel likely to announce the development of a coronavirus VACCINE. - A network of Canadian scientists are making excellent PROGRESS in Covid-19 research. - A San Diego biotech company is developing a Covid-19 VACCINE in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore. - Tulsa County's first positive COVID-19 case has RECOVERED. This individual has had two NEGATIVE tests, which is the indicator of recovery. - Plasma from newly RECOVERED patients from Covid -19 can TREAT OTHERS infected by Covid-19. #positivethoughts #calmdown

What is really going on? Are THEY trying to collapse the economy so they can implement a new digital money system on the blockchain because we cannot continue bailing out the banks? Venezuela just shut all the banks down and there are already bank runs in America.  What do you think???

Watch this:

More Good News

How You Can Quickly Boost Your Immune System? Take Vitamin C w/ Bioflavonoids, D, B Complex, take C60 (Carbon 60) and have Colloidal Silver in stock, lots of water and staples on hand. * Health!! * More Good News! Germany has just rolled out a “Wearable Biofeedback” device called:  “Healy”

will be available soon.

A friend of mine has the device already here in the USA and last night they were able to upload a frequency to help with this current situation.  

They are back-ordered and I hope it will be here soon.  Watch the video below:


Food for thought: “For over 250 years homeopathic products have worked to help with 😷 flu/pneumonia symptoms and many other illnesses. I am not saying that this will get rid of COVID19 but it could assist you in boosting your immune system.”

Can homeopathy help?

While it can scarcely compare in antiquity with Chinese or Indian medicine, homeopathy is the longest established CAM to have arisen in Europe. It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who grew up in Meissen in Germany, received his medical degree in Erlangen in 1779, and died a millionaire in Paris in 1843.

Homeopathic medicines have been used extensively for flu-like symptoms and in epidemics around the world. If you decide to take a homeopathic medicine, this should be in addition to the various measures outlined by the CDC and should not be your only approach. Selection of the most appropriate homeopathic medicine is based on an individual’s unique symptoms. However, Gelsemium 30c and Bryonia 30c are commonly used for flu-like symptoms and have a long-established, traditional usage over many years. Homeopathic options can form one part of your approach to the current Covid-19 outbreak but should always be used alongside other measures. If you have current symptoms or are concerned that you may have been exposed to coronavirus, it is important to call 111 to seek appropriate advice, in keeping with current guidelines.

Remedy Options

Arsenicum album

A person who needs this remedy during flu feels chilly and exhausted, along with an anxious restlessness. The person may be thirsty, but often only takes small sips. If the digestive system is involved, nausea with burning pain, or vomiting and acrid diarrhea may occur. If the flu is respiratory, a watery, runny nose with sneezing paroxysms and a dry or wheezing cough are often seen. The person's head usually feels hot, while the rest of the body is chilly. Belladonna

This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset with profuse sweating, and hypersensitivity to light and noise. Bryonia alba

This relieves high fever with body aches improved by staying immobile. Eupatorium perfoliatum

This remedy relieves bone pains and body aches associated with flu and severe colds. Ferrum phosphoricum

This relieves low-grade fever with weakness and tendency to nosebleeds and earaches. Gelsemium

This remedy relieves flu-like symptoms with fever, headache, dizziness and general weakness. Nux vomica

When this remedy is indicated in influenza, the person may have high fever, violent chills, strong nausea and cramping in the digestive tract (or a painful cough and constricted breathing if the flu is respiratory). Headache usually occurs, along with oversensitivity to sound, bright light, and odors. A person who needs Nux vomica is often very irritable, feeling worse from exertion and worse from being cold in any way. Oscillococcinum® and Children's Oscillococcinum®

This remedy relieve flu-like symptoms: feeling run down, body aches, chills and fever. Rhus toxicodendron

This remedy relieves fever with restlessness: The patient is continuously moving to find a comfortable position and relieve the body aches. Other Remedies

Aconitum napellus

This remedy relieves high fever of sudden onset, with a hot face and dry skin. Apis mellifica

This remedy may be helpful if a person has dry fever that alternates with sweating, facial flushing, and a very sore throat with swollen tonsils. Pain may extend to the ears, and the eyelids may be swollen. Exposure to cool air and cold applications may bring relief. Despite the fever, thirst usually is low. The person can be very irritable, disliking interference. Phosphorus

When this remedy is needed during flu, the person has a fever with an easily-flushing face, and feels very weak and dizzy. Headache, hoarseness, sore throat, and cough are likely. If the focus is digestive, stomach pain and nausea or vomiting usually occur. A person who needs this remedy often has a strong anxiety, wanting others to be around to offer company and reassurance. Strong thirst, with a tendency to vomit when liquids warm up in the stomach, is a strong indication for Phosphorus. Sulphur This remedy may be useful if a flu is very long-lasting or has some lingering symptoms—often after people have neglected to take good care of themselves. Symptoms, either digestive or respiratory, will often have a hot or burning quality. The person may feel hot and sweaty, with low fever and reddish mucous membranes. Heat aggravates the symptoms, and the person often feels worse after bathing.

other things

You’ve likely used many over-the-counter (OTC) solutions to attempt to lessen these seasonal symptoms and may want to try something else. There’s evidence that completely natural solutions may ease your symptoms.Whether it’s called hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or seasonal allergies, numerous drugs — both prescription and OTC — are available to help combat these cold-like symptoms. But some of these medications have their own lengthy list of side effects.Understanding how antihistamines work can help you better understand how natural antihistamines can be an ally during allergy season.

How do antihistamines work? Your allergies are an immune response to an otherwise harmless substance. This substance — whether it’s pollen, animal dander, or dust — comes into contact with cells in the mucus membranes of your nose, mouth, throat, lungs, stomach, and intestines. In a person with allergies, this ends up triggering the release of the chemical histamine.Histamine is a part of the immune system that causes all the symptoms you associate with allergies — the sneezing, itching, and cold-like symptoms you dislike. Antihistamines block histamine activity, seeking to stop the allergic reaction.Many allergy medications on the shelves of your local drugstore work as antihistamines. But there are also certain foods and plant extracts that may similarly block the effects of histamine.

1. Stinging nettle A common herb in natural medicine, stinging nettle, may also be a natural antihistamine. In a 2000 study, 58 percent of participants found their symptoms relieved with the use of freeze-dried nettles, and 69 participants rated it better than the placebo.Stinging nettle can be found online and at health food stores. The study participants in question used 300 milligrams (mg) each day.Shop for stinging nettle supplements online.

2. Quercetin Quercetin is an antioxidant found naturally in onions, apples, and other produce. Research

has demonstrated the antihistamine effects of quercetin.A 2007 study found that it even lessened the respiratory side effects of allergies in rats by reducing inflammatory response in the airways.You can purchase quercetin as a supplement or simply add more quercetin-rich foods to your diet (the better choice of the two).Shop for quercetin supplements online.

3. Bromelain Bromelain is a compound most commonly found in pineapples, but you can also find it in supplement form. It’s said to be effective at treating respiratory distress and inflammation associated with allergies.A 2000 study suggests taking between 400 to 500 mg three times daily.Taking in bromelain through pineapple consumption is recommended.Shop for bromelain supplements online.

4. Butterbur Butterbur is a marsh plant that’s part of the daisy family, found throughout Europe and in regions of Asia and North America.Research has shown it might be effective in reducing the intensity and frequency of migraine attacks, but it may also be helpful in treating nasal allergies.Other research

suggests that people with allergies saw improvement in their symptoms after taking butterbur supplements.Butterbur can be taken as an oil extract or in pill form.


FYI: I bought a Colloidal Silver Maker recently and have been making tons CS for family and friends.



With cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) increasing and shelves being emptied of hand sanitiser, anti-bacterial wipes and other medicines, we thought we’d offer our expert advice on how we can use essential oils to improve hand hygiene, boost immunity and support our respiratory system.

What are essential oils

Firstly, for those who aren’t familiar with aromatherapy, essential oils are 100% natural substances derived from plant material such as flowers, leaves, twigs, fruits and berries. They are extremely powerful, complex substances that have a wide range of therapeutic benefits.

How essential oils can prevent infection

Essential oils can strengthen and support our immune response in two ways:

By directly opposing bacteria and viruses by increasing the activity of the organs and cells that fight them. Although no specific research has been conducted on essential oils for the coronavirus, a number of oils have been clinically proven to be effective against other viruses including influenza A and B. It is therefore reasonable to assume that these oils and others may offer some form of defence against COVID-19.

Anti-viral essential oils

Many oils offer protection against different types of infectious organisms such bacteria, fungi and viruses. The oils that will potentially be most useful with the current coronavirus will be those with anti-viral properties.

According to Caddy (1997) the following oils possess anti-viral properties:

Essential oils offer more than just a pleasant smell. You are probably used to using them for relaxing massages, but, did you know that they can be used as a natural substitute for chemical cleaners and disinfectants as well?

Check out the government list here:

Yes, their potent chemical makeup makes them great for disinfecting not only cuts and wounds but also kitchen floors, sinks, tiles, and whole bathrooms.

Essential oils are considered to be much safer for cleaning than chemical cleaners found in most department stores. Strong synthetic chemicals and fragrances added to those cleaning products can be highly irritable especially to people with asthma and allergies. On top of that, according to the Poison Control Center, 11.1% of poison exposure cases are caused by cleaning substances.

Essential oils are overall a natural and much safer alternative to the conventional cleaning agents. Essential oils are great at disinfecting due to their strong antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties. Every essential oil has antiseptic qualities but some are better at inhibiting bacteria and fungi than the others. In this article, you will find a list of essential oils that are particularly great at making homes sparkling clean.

Chemical Makeup of Essential Oils

Chemical makeup determines the antiseptic value of essential oils. Those that are high in phenol (phenolic acid) are known for their powerful antimicrobial and antioxidant qualities. Some of the most common phenols found in essential oils include thymol and carvacrol; both are found in oregano and thyme essential oils, and eugenol, found in clove essential oil. 90% of oregano essential oil consists of mentioned compounds.

Another important functional group found in different essential oils is alcohol group (hydroxyl group). Natural alcohols kill bacteria by breaking down their membrane. The most common alcohols found in essential oils are linalool, menthol, geraniol, and santalol. Sandalwood essential oil, for instance, contains 90% of santalol.

Cleanses the skin and purifies the air Strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities

The common knowledge of people who lived before us has been proven to be true. Modern science keeps discovering new healing value of essential oils. For instance, a 1996 study examined the antibacterial and antifungal activity of ten different essential oils on 22 strains of bacteria and 12 fungi. All ten essential oils showed great results at inhibiting microbes, some were better than the others. The following list will introduce you to some of those oils.

Best Essential Oils for Disinfecting and Cleaning

Cinnamon essential oil has beautiful sweet and spicy aroma that can be used for deodorizing and purifying air at home. Natural cinnamon essence is a better alternative to the scented candles that have been a topic of concern for quite some time now.

Cinnamon essential oil is not only known for its pleasing scent but for its powerful antibacterial mechanisms as well. The rise of drug-resistant bacteria has forced the medicine to start exploring and embracing the antibacterial activity of cinnamon essential oil.

According to the recent 2018 study published in the Microbial Pathogenesis, cinnamon essential oil and its two constituents called cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid successfully inhibit bacteria by damaging their cell membrane.

Once the membrane is destroyed, all cell processes and motility of given microbe are altered. Using cinnamon essential oil in your daily cleaning routine will help you kill those stubborn, disease-causing germs.

Diffuse cinnamon essential oil into the air. Dispersed particles of essence will help you deodorize the air and help you fight the common cold and flu. Mix 3-4 drops of cinnamon essential oil in 1 gallon of water. Use this solution to clean the hard surfaces of your kitchen and bathroom (tiles, floors, sinks etc.) Cinnamon essential oil mixes well with ylang-ylang, sweet orange, and peppermint essential oils.

Thyme essential oil is rich in thymol, carvacrol, and linalool. All these constituents will help you stay protected from bacteria and other environmental threats, even those found in food. Salmonella, for instance, is a bacteria genus that often contaminates eggs, poultry, and other raw meats. According to the International Journal of Food Microbiology, thyme essential oil is potent enough to inhibit the salmonella.

In addition, a recent study published in the Journal of Food and Drug Analysis determined that thyme essential oil can be used as a natural food preservative due to its high anti-fungal and antibacterial activities. If thyme essential oil is safe enough for food, then it surely is safe enough to be used as a non-toxic cleaner for your home.


Thyme essential oil blends well with lavender, oregano grapefruit, and rosemary essential oils. Clean your kitchen utensils, dishes, and chopping boards with homemade thyme essential oil dish soap after they have been in contact with poultry or any other raw meat.

Thyme Essential Oil Dish Soap


¼ cup castile soap ¼ cup soap flakes 2 teaspoons super washing soda 1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin 2 cups of water 30 drops of thyme essential oil


Dissolve soap flakes in boiling water. Add other ingredients to the mix. Stir well and make sure everything is dissolved and well combined. Pour the liquid into a pump bottle. Leave 24 hours to set. If the soap is too thick, add a little bit more water to it, and if it is too runny, heat it up once again and add more washing soda to it.

Tea tree essential oil is a staple cleaning product in many households. Due to its purifying properties, melaleuca oil can be found as an ingredient in many skincare products and shampoos. It cleanses the skin and purifies the air.

Research published in the Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics showed that tea tree oil in combination with eucalyptus essential oil was successful at fighting staph infection and E. coli. Both essential oils caused the microbes to leak their vital fluids.

A number of medical studies point to the powerful antibacterial and antiviral qualities of tea tree oil. This essential oil can be used as a household cleaner and as a treatment for various infections, from athlete’s foot to cold sores and warts.


Add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil to a teaspoon of coconut oil or raw honey. Use this balm to disinfect and treat the affected areas on your skin. Diffuse few drops of tea tree oil to purify and sanitize the air in your home. Tea tree oil blends well with lemon, lavender, and ylang-ylang essential oils. Clean any hard surfaces in your home with this all-purpose tea tree oil cleaner.

All-Purpose Tea Tree Oil Cleaner


3 cups of water ½ cup of apple cider vinegar 10 drops of tea tree essential oil


Add all ingredients to a spray bottle and shake well. Use this cleaner on floors, sinks, and countertops.

Try disinfecting your toilet with a homemade toilet bowel scrub.

Toilet Bowel Scrub:


1 cup vinegar ½ cup baking soda ½ teaspoon tea tree essential oil


Mix vinegar and essential oil in a glass spray bottle. Spray the inside and the outside of your toilet with the solution. Let it sit for a couple of minutes. Evenly distribute baking soda on the surface and start scrubbing it with a toilet brush. Use a dry or damp cloth to wipe down the toilet seat.

Oregano essential oil is packed with bactericidal phenols that can help you improve your cleaning routine. You can feel free to substitute your store-bought bathroom chemical cleaners with oregano essential oil. The potent essence of oregano is strong enough to inhibit E. coli and bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This germ is mostly found in hot tubs, pools and other standing water as well as on the objects that are regularly exposed to moisture.

Oregano essential oil can disinfect and refresh the nooks and crannies of your bathroom and your kitchen. Antiseptic nature of oregano will help you keep harmful E. coli out of the kitchen.


Diffuse oregano essential oil into the air. Dispersed oregano essence will help you refresh your home and fight the symptoms of seasonal respiratory illnesses. Oregano mixes well with other antiseptic essential oils especially tea tree, rosemary, and lavender essential oils. Disinfect your bathroom and kitchen with this all-purpose oregano oil cleaner.

All-Purpose Oregano Essential Oil Cleaner


2 cups of water 2 teaspoons of castile soap 20-30 drops of oregano essential oil


Mix all ingredients in a glass spray bottle. Feel free to substitute oregano essential oil with a mix of different essential oils. Use this solution to clean your shower, kitchen countertop, and trash cans. Keep the cleaner in cool, dark place.

Peppermint essential oil is an amazing natural cleaning agent. Its impressive antiseptic properties can be attributed to the constituent called menthol. Menthol is an active ingredient covering up to 60% of the oil’s chemical composition.

Such potent antibacterial formula can be used for disinfecting surfaces and repelling insects, such as spiders, ants, mosquitoes, and cockroaches. Fresh minty aroma of peppermint will help you purify your home and keep it free of creepy crawlies.

We recommend you use peppermint oil cleaner for sanitizing your bathroom. According to the 2017 study published in the Journal of Applied Microbiology, peppermint oil showed the best antibacterial activity against C. difficile out of all tested processed products. C. difficile is a bacterium that thrives in toilets, bathing tubs, and other objects that may be in contact with feces. Healthcare providers are often transmitters of this germ.


Diffuse peppermint essential oil into the air. Microscopic peppermint particles will purify the air and repel mosquitoes. In a spray bottle, mix 10 drops of peppermint essential oil with a cup of water. Use this spray to wipe down hard surfaces in your home. Peppermint essential oil mixes well with lemongrass, tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils. Use this all-purpose peppermint spray for deep cleaning.

All-Purpose Peppermint Spray


¼ cup of apple cider vinegar 15 drops of peppermint essential oil 15 drops of lemon essential oil Water


Mix vinegar and essential oil in a 16 oz. glass spray bottle. Fill the rest of the bottle with water. Shake well to combine all ingredients. Use the spray to sanitize your countertops, tiles, floors, and sinks.

Eucalyptus essential oil is a widely used natural remedy. Diffusing just a few drops into the air can help you kill germs, relieve a cough and clear sinuses. Using eucalyptus during flu seasons is especially recommended.

The antiseptic value of eucalyptus oil can be attributed to the component called eucalyptol also known as 1,8-cineole. This major constituent showed antimicrobial effects on bacteria that cause tuberculosis, drug-resistant bacteria causing staph infections, different viruses, and fungi, including Candida. Eucalyptus essential oil without a doubt one of the most versatile natural agents you can get your hands on.


According to The Scientific World Journal, a strong minty, almost medicinal smell of eucalyptus repels house rats. To get rid of your rat problem, dilute 20 drops of eucalyptus oil in some water and spray the solution around your pantry and around small openings of your house. Keep in mind that eucalyptus essence may irritate your cat. Add a couple of drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a cup of hot water. Use this solution to wipe down the corners where mold is prone to thrive. Add 10-20 drops of eucalyptus oil to the washing cycle to eradicate dust mites from your linen, towels, and pillows. Eucalyptus essential oil mixes well with peppermint, lavender, and lemon essential oils.

Clove essential oil is a natural antiseptic agent known for its spicy aroma. Its antibacterial and antifungal activity can be attributed to the compound called eugenol. Clove bud oil contains about 80 to 90% of eugenol. The research shows that E. coli, acne-causing Staph aureus, and pneumonia-causing Pseudomonas aeruginosa are especially sensitive to clove essence.

These antibacterial and antiviral properties of clove essential oil can help you disinfect your home, especially during cold and flu season. Airborne particles of essence will help you boost your immune system and give you a better chance at fighting bacteria and viruses.

Tips for use:

Diffuse clove essential oil into the air. Feel free to mix clove oil with other essential oils such as cinnamon bark, bergamot, lemon, grapefruit, lavender, and rosemary. Use clove essential oil to kill mold in your bathroom. Dilute a ¼ teaspoon of clove oil in 1 liter of water. This solution can be sprayed on surfaces where mold tends to grow e.g. sinks, showers, outdoors and indoors walls etc. Let the spray sit on the area for at least an hour before removing it with a wet cloth or a brush. Make sure you use protective gloves when cleaning with clove. It is also recommended to do a test patch on the surface to make sure it does not get damaged.

Lemon essential oil is a widely used natural remedy known for its disinfectant attributes. Limonene and b-pinene are two main components that give this volatile oil its antimicrobial properties. Feel free to use lemon essential oil around your home to get rid of harmful pathogens. The citrus lemon smell will enrich your kitchen and bathroom with a hint of freshness as well.

According to the scientific research, lemon essential oil is strong enough to inhibit bacteria Listeria monocytogenes inoculated in minced beef. The study suggests that lemon oil could be used as a natural agent for preventing food contamination.

Harmful bacteria, such as salmonella, E. coli, and Staph aureus can cause serious illnesses. Regular use of homemade lemon oil cleaners around the house will help you lower the chances of bacterial infections.


Lemon essential oil can be used on stained clothes. Add few drops of lemon oil on the stain. Immediately put the stained clothes in the washing machine. If your hands are greasy from working on your car or bike, few drops of lemon oil added to your soap can help you get rid of any greasy residue. Lemon essential oil mixes well with eucalyptus, peppermint, geranium, and sandalwood. Clean your windows and other glass surfaces with this lemon oil spray.

Lemon Oil Glass Cleaner


1 ½ cup of vinegar ½ cup distilled water 8 drops of lemon essential oil


Mix all ingredients in a 16 oz. glass spray bottle. Wipe down your windows, mirrors, and shower doors with the solution.

Disinfect and polish your wooden floor and furniture with this natural lemon wood polish.

Lemon Wood Polish


¼ cup vinegar ¼ cup olive oil 10 drops of lemon essential oil


Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle. Using a microfiber cloth, wipe down wooden surfaces to give them shine. Use this natural polish every 3 months. Shake the bottle before each usage.


Essential oils are a great natural alternative to the conventional chemical cleaner that we have grown so used to. They are much safer for our health and the environment.

Extensive medical research shows that essential oils packed with antiseptic compounds successfully remove some of the most resistant bacteria found in our homes.

Just as any other cleaning agent, essential oils have to be used with caution as well. Here are some last tips that will help you improve your daily cleaning routine:

Store all your homemade essential oil cleaning agents in cool, dark place, out of reach and sight of children. It is always recommended to wear rubber gloves when cleaning. Bacteria and viruses can grow resistance to antimicrobial agents. It is recommended to use a mix of different essential oils for cleaning purposes to prevent this immunity. Instead of sticking to one essential oil try using multiple. Other disinfecting essential oils worth mentioning are rosemary, wild orange, lavender, lemongrass, and geranium essential oil.

Using essential oils for anti-viral protection

Using essential oils from the above list in your daily routine can help build your resistance to illness and promote a speedier recovery if you happen to fall ill.

If you have no aromatherapy experience, or if you don’t have any of the above oils then you could try our new Anti-Virus pure essential oil which has been expertly blended with anti-viral and immune-supporting oils.

The blend is inspired by the legend of the four 15th century French Thieves, who were said to have robbed the bodies of plague victims and protected themselves from infection with aromatics such as rosemary and cloves.

Petra has drawn on this knowledge to create our own take of the famous ‘Thieves’ blend.

Our unique version contains a powerful combination of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Cinnamon Leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Pimento Berry (Pimento officinalis), Eucalyptus smithii, Mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Grapefruit (Citrus x paradisi) and Carrot Seed (Daucus carota).

Rosemary has anti-viral and antioxidant properties and is also excellent for relieving respiratory congestion.Cinnamon and Pimento help fight infection, ease the breathing and soothe aches and pains. Pimento also has antioxidant properties which may improve the immune response.

Eucalyptus is renowned for its anti-viral, immuno-stimulant and decongestant properties and is also helpful for clearing the head and relieving fatigue.Mandarin and Grapefruit help stimulate the lymphatic system which plays a vital role in fighting infection. They can also help boost energy levels and lift the mood when feeling run-down.

Carrot Seed assists in the removal of toxins and boosts immunity. It is also believed to strengthen the mucous membranes which act as a barrier to infection.

Our Anti-Virus oil can be used in a variety of ways:

In an aromatherapy burner or diffuser – great for building immunity around the home or at work.In a steam inhalation – this is one of the best ways of getting the therapeutic oils into the body (via the blood-rich lining of the lungs) and for treating respiratory infections.

In an aromatherapy inhaler – ideal for use when out and about. Alternatively pop a few drops on a tissue and sniff regularly throughout the day.For massage - the therapeutic oils are absorbed into the blood stream via the skin.In hand washes and alcohol-based hand sanitisers to improve hygiene and increase protection. 

NHS guidelines state that washing your hands frequently with soap and water is the most effective way to protect against the current coronavirus, but remember to wash them hands for at least 20 seconds. An alcohol-based hand sanitiser is recommended as a back-up if soap and water aren’t available.

Suggested recipes

Aromatherapy diffuser or oil burner

Add up to 20 drops of Anti-Virus oil to a burner or diffuser (or reduce to a max of 10 drops if using around children). Diffuse for up to 10 minutes three times per day.

Steam inhalation

Fill a bowl with steaming hot water and add up to 10 drops of Anti-Virus essential oil. Lean over the bowl with a towel over your head and inhale for up to 10 minutes. If you suffer with asthma or allergies such as hay fever, steam inhalations should be used with care. Start by inhaling for 30 seconds and gradually build up to a maximum of 5 minutes if there are no adverse effects.

Aromatherapy inhaler/DIY inhaler

Add up to 40 drops of oil to the inhaler wick taking care not to get the oil on your skin. Use tweezers to insert the wick into the inhaler. This is the maximum amount of oil that the wick can hold, and should last for up to 3 weeks.

Alternatively, if you have an old 5ml essential oil bottle you can make your own DIY inhaler by filling the bottle ¾ full with salt. Add your oils then pop the dropper back in, if you have one, as this will minimise the risk of spills and sniffing up salt. To use, hold the bottle under the nostrils, and breathe deeply. Take care to avoid direct contact with the skin.

Hand wash

Mix 100ml of organic Liquid Castile Soap, 40ml of your choice of carrier oil (for moisturising properties) and 84 drops of Anti-Virus oil (this equates to a maximum 3% dilution for wash-off products). Half the quantity of essential oil if you are using with children.

Hand sanitiser

Mix 125ml Aloe Vera Gel, 5ml Witch Hazel Hydrolat and 50 drops of Anti-Virus oil (this equates to a 2% dilution for leave-on products). If the product is too watery you can add a little more gel to thicken it up.

Important safety notes

For children under 12 we recommend using the oil in a diffuser or hand wash only, as directed above. Avoid contact with eyes and other mucous membranes. Do not take internally and do not use if pregnant or epileptic. Patch test first on sensitive skin.

Other ways to boost immunity

Having a strong immune system is one of the key ways of fighting off viruses. As well as using essential oils, try the following:

Ensure you’re getting sufficient sleep.Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.Use a humidifier to keep mucous membranes moist (these trap viruses and prevent them entering the body but don’t work as effectively if they dry out).Eat more immune-boosting foods such as citrus fruits, red peppers, broccoli, garlic, ginger, spinach and turmeric.Take a Vitamin C supplement.Moderate exercise boosts immunity, but don’t overdo it, as overly strenuous exercise can suppress the immune system.Try to reduce stress levels as the stress hormone cortisol can suppress the immune function.Book a professional massage - massage is thought to stimulate the production of white blood cells which protect against infection and disease.

Build your immune system with Sprouts 

I bought a pound of each of:

Mung Beans, Radish Sprouts, Lentils, Broccoli Sprouts, Crimson Clover, and Mustard Sprouts. Following are the Sprout House Seeds I like to use: SHOW MORE Petra's  next How-To-Sprout-Class by petra: Click here!

* Other Recipes * Make Fire Cider to boost your immune system! Watch the Video here!



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